Clinical History: A 30 year old female patient was referred for MRI of index finger. Patient presented with two years of history of pain in the index finger which aggravated on exposure to cold environment. No obvious swelling or discolouration was seen. X-ray and USG Color Doppler performed previously revealed no abnormality.
Imaging Findings: Plain MR Imaging findings revealed no obvious abnormality. Hence contrast enhanced angiography of index finger was performed; which revealed the following:
A lesion showing intense early enhancement on angiography and delayed blush on venogram phase imaging was seen in the soft tissues of the nail bed along the radial aspect of the index finger. It measured 0.5 x 0.3cm in size. It showed early enhancement in the arterial phase which progressively increased on delayed venous phase images. No evidence of cortical erosion seen. No extension into the adjacent structures noted.
Final Diagnosis: Glomus tumour